Adult Ministries & Small Groups
We want everyone at Milledge Avenue to be part of a small group where they can feel loved, cared for, and belong. Small groups meet at a variety of times and locations. Subscribe to The Friday Flash for the most up-to-date information.
Disciples Sunday School Class
This group of older adults focuses on current events with supporting scripture to guide discussion. If you are unable to attend in person, you can join the class online via Zoom.
When: 10:00am on Sundays
Where: Room 221 (Education Wing)
Facilitator: Tom Rodgers
Women’s Small Group
All women, whatever your age or season of life, are invited to join this small group just for women.
When: 10:00am on Sundays
Where: Room 220 (Education Wing)
Facilitator: Martha Moore
Young Adult Gatherings
This small group of college students and young couples focuses on faith and fellowship in a flexible format. We have fun with each other, pray for each other, and meet at unorthodox times and unorthodox places to learn about Jesus and each other. We have enjoyed meeting over Zoom, at local restaurants, and in each other's homes. We meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 7:30pm.
Next Gathering: TBD
Location: TBD
Facilitators: Trey and Anna Scott
Middle Adult Gatherings
Our Middle Adult Gathering is a group geared toward the post-Young Adult crowd who may be in the next stage of their adult life. We imagine the group to be 30 and 40-somethings, but it’s not entirely age-bound. We see this as a space to gather, hang out, and just get to know each other.
Next Gathering: TBD
Location: TBD
Facilitator: Leia Berry
Prayer Wraps Ministry
Anyone who crochets, knits, quilts, or wants to learn is invited to join this group that creates "Prayer Wraps" to be given to anyone who needs comforting.
When: Every third Thursday at 10:30am
Where: Conference Room
Facilitator: Trina Berry