Core Values

Who we are

Milledge Avenue is a Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF) church and wholeheartedly shares CBF’s core values, as outlined below. Milledge Avenue Baptist Church is not affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. Our understanding of Baptist faith and practice is expressed by our emphasis on freedom in biblical interpretation and congregational governance, the participation of all people in all aspects of church leadership and Christian ministry, and religious liberty for all people.

Bible Freedom

We believe in the authority of Scripture. We believe the Bible, under the Lordship of Christ, is central to the life of the individual and the church. We affirm the freedom and right of every Christian to interpret and apply scripture under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

Soul Freedom

We believe in the priesthood of all believers and affirm the freedom and responsibility of every person to relate directly to God without the imposition of creed or the control of clergy or government.

Church Freedom

We believe in the autonomy of every local church. We believe Baptist churches are free, under the Lordship of Christ, to determine their membership and leadership, to order their worship and work, to ordain whomever they perceive as gifted for ministry, and to participate as they deem appropriate in the larger body of Christ.

Statement of Inclusion

The members of Milledge Avenue Baptist Church believe in the love of God for all persons. We believe that inclusion is central to the Gospel call “to love.” We are committed to providing equal access and participation in all facets of the life and ministry of our church, including, but not limited to: membership, baptism, ordination, marriage, teaching, staffing, and leadership without regard to ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, and/or gender expression.

Religious Freedom

We believe in the freedom of religion, freedom for religion, and freedom from religion. We support the separation of church and state.

Church Membership & Baptism

Milledge Avenue Baptist Church is a body of baptized believers who have received salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Baptism by immersion is Christ's example, but like the early church, we recognize baptism by sprinkling and pouring. We are known in our community as a  ministry-focused church who seeks partnerships with other faith and civic organizations to meet human needs. Our members support Christ's mission, evangelism, education, and discipleship through their giving of monies, prayers, and work.  We offer regular opportunities for newcomers to learn more about membership and to join our fellowship. For more information, contact one of our pastors.